samedi 4 janvier 2014


Happy new year everyone and wish you all the best for 2014!

Here are two videos worth watching to start this new year. The first one is the Queen's christmas wished and the second one is Obamas' whishes.
Watch these two videos at home and we'll talk about them in class. 

What are the common points between these two videos? What are the differences? What do you think of their wishes?

samedi 28 septembre 2013

Online Dictionaries


Bilinguial dictionary:

English dictionaries (you need to get used to use these ! ):
-> ces deux sites sont intéressants car ils indiquent également la prononciation britannique et américaine des mots.

Un mot peut avoir plusieurs sens, pour pouvoir différencier les différents sens il est important de placer les mots (ou les expressions) dans leur contexte. C'est ce que propose le site linguee:

vendredi 20 septembre 2013



  • First, you need to present the document
    • What type of document is it ? (a drawing, a photograph, a painting, an ad, a comic strip, a cartoon…)
    • Where does it come from ? (it comes from, it is an extract from,...)
    • When ? (it dates from, it was published in …)
    • Who ? (it was painted by, drawn by, taken by, … a painter, a drawer, a photographer, a cartoonist, an advertiser, …)
    • What is the main topic ? (it is about, it deals with ,...)
    • What is its goal/target ? ( to inform, to show, to criticize, to prove, to denounce, to illustrate, to make someone aware of, to aim at someone,...)

  • Then, you need to describe the document
  • In the background / in the foreground/ in the distance
  • In the middle
  • On the right-handside/on the left handside
  • In the top right hand/ in the top left hand – in the bottom right hand...
  • a close-up (gros plan), a long-distance shot (vue générale)
  • a title, a caption (légende), a slogan

  • Analysis
    • What is the artist's intention ? What did he want to denounce ? What message did he want to convey ? …)

  • Conclusion
    • What's your opinion ?
      -> I think
      -> in my opinion
      > to my mind
      -> according to me,
      -> As far as I am concerned
  • Organize your ideas :
    • At first sight
    • To begin with, first of all, first and foremost
    • Finally, eventually
    • Moreover, besides, what's more, ...
    • From my point of view, it seems to me that, we are given the impression that, ...

Practice the "th" sound

Practice the "th" sound